What's New In Instander APK v17.2?

What’s New In Instander APK v17.2

Instander APK v17.2 Comes with Amazing features that make it an extraordinary APK. As it is a Modified version of Instagram App, it already has some missing extra features. But the new version of Instander APK comes with some additional features and bug fixes that improve the functionality of Instander APK.

With the help of Instander APK, you can download Videos and Photos, Save videos to Archive ads, free Instagram, and many more.

What’s New In Instander APK v17.2?

Instander APK has the following New features and Bug fixes.

  • Added Monet theme for Android 12+;
  • Added disabling the Monet theme;
  • Fixed Feed loading on some devices;
  • Fixed Reels download button;
  • Fixed Alte & Hoefler New fonts;
  • Raised the target SDK to 33.

Monet theme

Monet theme is introduced in Instander APK v17.2.It is compatible with Android 12 devices. Because it works with the Android 12 feature Material You. It generates a rich palette of pastel colours derived from the user’s wallpaper and applies them to various parts of the App. It gives a new look to your Instagram APK. Whenever you change your wallpaper, your Apps will customize its colours automatically.

You can enable it by going to the Instander setting, and when you allow Monet Theme, it needs to restart your mobile. But you can disable Monet Theme if you want to restore your App’s colours.

Fixed Feed loading

Some devices, like Google Pixel 7, face feed loading problems in Instander APK.In V17.2, this problem is fixed. Now, the feed loads smoothly on those devices.

Fixed Reels download button

Download buttons Settings is also Fixed. Now, the download is only a three-dot menu Button.

Fixed Alte & Hoefler

Hoefler is a Font developed by Jonathan Hoefler and introduced by Apple Computer Inc. in 1991. And it is usually used in classic Mac Os. Alte is also a Font. Bugs related to These fonts are also fixed with this Update.


If you are using an old version of Instander APK, you have to install the new version of Instander APK v17.2 to enjoy new features and Bug fixes.

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